How we can become KRAV-certified?

Hello! We are a trading company that exports and distributes various European products (mainly food products) to the North American market. We want to sell on the Scandinavian market as well, and we would like to know how we can become KRAV-certified.
We have business with different manufacturers who fulfill our orders, and sometimes one product can be manufactured in several different factories.
We will be grateful if you provide us with the necessary information and contacts so that we can start the procedure.
Thanks in advance and have a nice week!
Kind regards,
Latchezar Buyukliiski


  • Hi Latchezar!

    Happy to hear that you are interested in becoming KRAV-certified. Please contact Åsa Lindeblad at KRAV directly, so she can help you forward. You reach her on

    Best regards,

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